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Support for our Success

  • Check out this compilation of advice from former and current genetics students on how to succeed through out your first, second, third and final years in the program.

  • Helps resolve problems, conflicts, or concerns

  • Explains the resources available to graduate students and aids in navigating them

  • May intercede or mediate matters, if appropriate/need be

  • The Graduate Student Employees Union represents all Teaching and Graduate Assistants enrolled in SUNY

  • Fight for you as allies against abuses of power or unfair practices from our employer

  • Act as advocates for your worker rights such as: sick leave, vacation, raises, nonretaliation, etc.

  • Represents all research assistance enrolled in SUNY

  • Fight for you as allies against abuses of power or unfair practices from our employer

  • Act as advocates for your worker rights such as: sick leave, vacation, raises, nonretaliation, etc.

Graduate Student Organization (GSO)

  • Offers many funding opportunities for graduate students, including the Resource Access Project (RAP), Professional Development Fund (PDF), Distinguished Travel Award (DTA), as well as reimbursement for recreation expenses, including fitness and general cultural/social events.

  • Offers interest-free, short-term emergency loans.

  • Publishes a “GSO Survival Guide” with information for new graduate students

  • Hosts social events for graduate students

  • Outlines the benefits offered to regular and postdoctoral employees, graduate employees, undergraduate employees as well as summer employees

  • Highlighting benefits in Health, Dental, Vision, and unemployment insurance, as well as COBRA benefits

  • Includes resources for life insurance, workers compensation, disability claims, paid family leave, etc.

  • Represents all professional faculty and staff in higher education

  • Achieving improvements in salary, fringe benefits, working conditions and retirement programs

  • Seeking to enhance and preserve the quality of the University

  • Assists students in matters that could affect their success, including: hospitalization, medical emergency, chronic condition, mental health concerns, death of a loved one, unexpected financial difficulty, food and/or housing insecurity, natural disaster, academic distress, and any unexpected events or challenges

  • Also provide Student Emergency Support Fund

Advises international students about immigration matters and regulations

Student/Staff Resources: List

Financial Worries

Provides assistance with work/personal problems including financial assistance, disease, pregnancy, retirement…etc. see the full list

They can help with housing insecurity and emergency housing assistance

The food pantry is for SBU members who are at the risk of running into food insecurity
They serve students, staff and faculty

Assists faculty, staff, and students who are experiencing a financial emergency

Student/Staff Resources: List

Health Services

  • For an emergency, call 911

  • See here for medical advice line on how to care for illness/injury at home or guidance on whether you should see a healthcare provider

  • List of numbers in case of an emergency.

  • Links of the various services available at the SHS: Medical Clinics, GYN Clinic, Travel Medicine, Immunizations, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Dietitician/Nutrition, and Self Care.

  • Links for all of the available health information regarding: smoking cessation, meningitis information, influenza information, MRSA, CDC-travel health information, and ebola precautions

  • Student health insurance information

  • SHS’s privacy information

Student/Staff Resources: List

For Parents

Childbirth Accommodation Policy

Currently offers 12-week paid leave and a 1-semester academic extension for birth mothers

Students with Children

Provides graduate student and postdoctoral fellow parents with support, information, and advocacy for their unique personal and professional development. Includes breastfeeding support and child-care/schools options

Student/Staff Resources: List

Reporting Discrimination and Accessibility Barriers

Provides assistance to SBU and RF (Research Foundation) employees

Provides a safe place to voice your problems and get them resolved through conflict management

Community relations team is a group of cops that do outreach to help educate the community about safety issues

Student/Staff Resources: List
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©2021 by Justice for the Underserved in STEM.

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